Thursday, October 8, 2009

Babelgum New Urbanism Website

Last night, Tommy was perusing Digg and happened upon a link to's New Urbanism section. He sent me links to a couple of cool videos on the site, and I have to say I am pretty impressed. A bunch of kids (young adults, I guess?) our age are farming vegetables on the rooftop of a New York City warehouse...Which I think is just about as cool as it gets. Also, there is a really cool episode on a "Waterpod," which is essentially a completely self-sufficient living/working/growing space made out of a barge.
Not to quibble too much, the affected "hipster" accent in episode 2, "Rooftop Farming" was pretty irritating. Can someone explain to me why, as soon as hipsters start growing a mustache and wearing unnecessary glasses, they have to develop a retarded monotone/accented voice, regardless of where they're from? Just talk normally, por favor...I will respect you more (and listen to what you are saying) more carefully. Also, I was a little irked that Annie in episode 2 said that "highly educated" people were now into farming. Opposed to whom? In-bred illiterate farmers from the backwoods? Not cool, hipster, not cool. But all details aside, I find these projects and ways of thinking to be really positive, and they excite me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I enjoyed learning about the rooftop farming. Very cool.