Thursday, October 8, 2009

Moon Harassment.

I know I don't usually do a two post double-whammy in 24 hours, but check it--NASA is going to crash a spaceship into the moon tomorrow morning...ON PURPOSE. Why does this seem like a super costly and, um...Severely RETARDED idea? Oh, wait--yous guys just want to see if the explosion skyrockets ice, or other proof of water, into the air with the force of impact? Ohhhhhh...Of course. Resume your duties.
But seriously, isn't there an easier, SAFER and CHEAPER way to determine whether the moon has or can harbor life? I mean, all of this dick-happy moonplay has been going on for so long, and what has come of it, really? We put a flag on that shit, and floated around doing somersaults for a while. I think we could use that $79,000,000 down here on earth, people...

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