Thursday, January 21, 2010

No Conceivable Title

I was perusing recipes today at and came across this random passage while reading about recipes using booze:

"Alcohol and water have an affinity for each other and form what's called an azeotropic mixture, which means the water is hesitant to let go of the alcohol, even though the alcohol wants to become steam."

I don't know why, but this struck me as strange. Alcohol dehydrates people. Water does the exact opposite. Why do opposites attract, and do they, really, in all cases? HEY! Is this really about chemistry, or is it about human relationships?! Hmmm...

Nevertheless, I think I will have to try out the Grilled Chicken Marinated in Tequila, as well as the Pork Medallions in Calvados and Apple Cream Sauce. I'll let you know how it goes when I do.

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